A few months ago, Gavin announced SAP GUI for Apple Watch. While it represented a true paradigm shift in how wearable technology enables ERP, it lacked a key feature: being a real thing. Today, I’m announcing something that – while perhaps not as earth-shattering or expensive – makes up for Gavin’s announcement in one key way: it is a real thing.
My pathetic attempts at humor aside, I really do think that what we’ve done adds tons of power to CloudSimple for Data. CloudSimple users will notice a new section of their “Data Source” sidebar tab: Schedule a Recurring Report.

This powerful, simple feature allows you to set up an hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly auto-refresh of SAP data in your spreadsheet. The interface guides you through setting up what recurrence schedule you want:

Then, optionally, you can set up a distribution list for people who want to see the results of this data refresh. CloudSimple automatically puts a link to the spreadsheet in the message.

Voilà! You have set up this CloudSimple sheet to refresh its data every Monday by 8:00AM! This happens behind the scenes, and it actually happens so smoothly that someone viewing the old data will see it simply replaced with the new data when the refresh happens. The e-mail message will be sent as soon as the refresh is done, so your distribution list gets the new information right away.
Our goal here is to drastically reduce the sending/receiving/saving/copying of files containing key data. With CloudSimple unlocking your SAP information and Google keeping your data in one simple, secure place, you can say goodbye to bloated mailboxes full of attachments. No more old data hanging around messing up your ideas.
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