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Mindset’s Unique Process

A Proven Approach to Efficiently Optimize Your Enterprise.

Mindset specializes in helping organizations identify business opportunities and find solutions to their biggest challenges. Mindset uses Design and Architecture Thinking and Agile principles along with SAP’s Human-Centered Approach to Innovation (HCAI), to transform business experiences rapidly and methodically. 


In the Explore stage, we collaborate with your team to identify the most valuable business challenges, opportunities, and use-cases to focus on. Active involvement and participation of your key business and information technology leaders leads to a deep understanding of your strategic initiatives.

Benefits of the Explore Stage:

  • Understanding key industry trends and best practices
  • Aligning with key stakeholders on corporate strategies and initiatives
  • Identifying business challenges and opportunities
  • Consolidating list of potential use cases by persona / job function
  • Evaluating and prioritizing use cases


In the Discover stage, with your team’s help, we gain a deeper understanding of the challenges, opportunities, and use-cases through observation, interviews, and research.  Here,  interactions are done in-person, and onsite where the challenges, opportunities, and use-cases occur.

Benefits of the Discover Stage

  • Engaging with industry experts, peers and benchmarking key processes
  • Understanding process enhancements and improvements in legacy systems
  • Understanding process enhancements and improvements available in other systems
  • Uncovering opportunities and challenges from user communities
  • Evaluating and documenting existing processes where applicable
  • Preparing interview and field research guide documentation
  • Engaging with users and conducting interviews to validate and document use case assumptions
  • Creating user experience and journey maps


In the Design stage, we work with your team to identify the best solution ideas while converting them into tangible prototypes which can be tested and validated by end-users and stakeholders. In this phase, we take an iterative approach…test, validate, fail, iterate…it is far more economical to come up with great ideas and prototypes than failing in development.

Benefits of the Design Stage

  • Baselining functional and technical landscape with fit-to-standard capabilities, enhancements across existing solutions
  • Documenting solution baseline architecture, use case blueprint diagrams, and solution concept diagrams
  • Documenting architectural decisions list, solution realization diagram, conceptual data diagram, and software integration diagram
  • Creating Vision Storyboards, and Prototyping Guide
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In the Deliver stage, your team transitions ideas, designs, and prototypes into practical applications using real technology to deliver value to your targeted users and personas.  Success in this stage primarily depends on ensuring both business and technology resources are aligned on desired outcomes. Next, both business and technology teams must realize the final outcome will have a life cycle of its own, meaning the concept of continuous improvement and iterative development will continue.

Benefits of the Deliver Stage

  • Initiation and implementation of solution(s) and process(es) of aforementioned design
  • Observation, measurement, and accountability of implemented solution
  • Continued refinement of backlog and subsequent release(s) for future enhancement


In the Run & Scale stage we deploy your technology solution and register user experience while setting up a continuous improvement cycle to scale the solution to the broader user/persona community.  Success in this stage is not determined by short changing your user community by thinking this is a “one and done” or “set it and forget it” deployed solution.  

Find out how the right mindset can unlock potential and transform your enterprise.
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