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Welcome Katie Kinde!

Mindset is excited to welcome Katie Kinde! Katie is a and Pardot expert who brings much needed expertise in managing the Mindset database. Additionally, we are very excited to by the improvements she is driving in getting meaningful content out to the right people.

By way of introduction Katie offered some insights on her role:


What do you like best about Salesforce and Pardot?


“Salesforce and Pardot are interactive tools that help promote process improvement and user engagement. Additionally, with 3 releases each year, there’s always something new to learn and that gives me the ability to continue to bring value for everyone in the organization.”


What are the top ways you are hoping to help?

Katie Kinde:

“My ongoing focus is to grow the value of Salesforce by maintaining a well organized database and improving the user experience. Additionally, the care and improvement of the database allows Mindset the ability to make solid business decisions based on data that is easily accessible, understood and promotes action by employees across the entire organization.”


Why  do you believe Database Marketing is important?

Katie Kinde:

“Database marketing can help turn customers into business partners by providing them with the most relevant communication about the solutions and support Mindset can provide to help promote growth in their business.”


What you like to do in your spare time (that you are okay sharing with the world)?

Katie Kinde:

“My family is busy with Scouting, dance & sports for our 2 children. Further, we enjoy spending most of our time outdoors hiking, biking & camping. Also, In my spare time, I enjoy making handmade cards and relaxing with a good book.”

Thanks for those insights Katie! Similarly, we are very excited to have you here.

In conclusion, if you have any questions on Mindset’s Marketing programs, we’d love to talk with you! Please reach out to


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Amy McNeil Lund leads Marketing for Mindset. Charged with all aspects of the marketing strategy and tactical execution, she has a passion for delivering marketing programming that is deeply relevant to employees, prospects, customers and influencers. More about Amy can be found at

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