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Silver Linings

It would be an understatement to describe the current environment as ‘challenging’.  We’re being asked to shift our behaviors in ways never seen before, as workers, as family members, and as members of a social society, and it’s really, really difficult.  And I consider myself to be extremely lucky with my own situation – there are a lot of folks out there who have far more challenging situations, and it’s important for us to recognize that and take action to improve the situation going forward.


Finding the Positives

I also believe it’s important to take stock of the positives that we’ve been able to glean from this.  In our all-team meeting last week, we had everyone in attendance walk through at least one thing that was a positive outcome from the current situation, and everyone had something, either personal or professional, that was positive.

At Mindset, there have of course been challenges, but there have also been many silver linings.  


Our Silver Linings

  • We’re doing work that’s clearly valuable to our customers, and we’re helping customers that are on the front line of managing through this pandemic.  We support medical, agricultural, and manufacturing companies, all of whom are shifting their focus to be sure that the world is getting the supplies, food, and medical care that they need.  To be able to say that we’re helping with that, even in a small way, is rewarding.
  • Our team has shown incredible resilience and has reinforced that we’ve assembled an incredible group of people at Mindset.  Our humor, creativity, passion, and support for one another have never been more on display.  This week we held a virtual baby shower for someone who’s going to be a mother for the first time in a couple of weeks.  The virtual backgrounds on our video calls are….creative to say the least.  We’ve found new ways to engage our customers and new ways to promote our incredible network of SAP talent.
  • We’re adapting our approaches and finding even better ways to solve problems.  Whether it’s delivering our Design Thinking methodology remotely or ramping up our webinar schedule to be sure that we’re still able to share our team’s vast subject matter expertise despite SAPPHIRE and other conferences being canceled, we’re finding ways to continue to be an extremely valuable partner to our customers.

Unfortunately, it would appear that this is going to be “normal” for a while longer.  For me, the silver lining is that Mindset will continue to create remarkable experiences and thrive on creativity and innovation for as long as we need to.

What are your silver linings?


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Luke Van Epern oversees the Solutions Delivery practice at Mindset, following 12+ years of experience implementing enterprise software solutions at large IT companies in the Twin Cities. He uses the perspective he gained as a member of "Big IT" to help Mindset's customers find ways to disrupt their status quo, and to build a delivery organization that can regularly exceed customer expectations.

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