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Mindset’s Work Location Policy: A futuristic initiative

Last week at Mindset, we rolled out a new Work Location Policy. Like many other companies, we tried the return to office initiative. And had to push it out every single time because the COVID cases were on the rise. Our motivation for RTO was to celebrate our team’s success in person. Our employees are the cornerstone of our success. They are highly passionate about our core values and mission. And frankly, we have been operating remotely for a long time even before COVID. Our team members are spread across the United States from Florida / Carolina’s in the East to California in the West and Texas in the South. 

Over the last two years, we made many successful strides, our teams have continued to grow and deliver remarkable experiences, our NPS is soaring high, we have grown strong both in financial numbers and headcount, we opened two offices in India – Bangalore & Hyderabad, one office in Denver, our team size in India is on the track to double this year. 

In 2022, we shifted to OKR’s as a management methodology to ensure the entire company focuses efforts on the same important issues. Our team members have always been blue sky thinkers while landing their feet on the ground. We derive our entrepreneurial inspiration from the EOS methodology. 

Looking at our success saga and having the right operational methodology we felt comfortable as an Executive Leadership team to roll this policy. Thanks Gavin Quinn for orchestrating this and putting this into force.

As per our new policy every employee can choose from one of the three options:

  • Completely Remote
  • Mostly Remote (1 to 2 days a week from the office)
  • Mostly in Office (3 to 5 days a week from the office)

Employees can also change their choice to be temporary or permanent. If someone wants to skip the Minnesota cold weather and head to a warm location they could absolutely do that. 

Super excited about this new policy at Mindset, I guess another reason to come and work at Mindset!


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Naveen R., Principal Architect.
For more information on Celonis at Mindset, please reach out to

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