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Matthew Whigham: Welcome to the Mindset Software Products team

On behalf of the Mindset Software Products team, I’m extremely excited to welcome Matthew Whigham to the team!  Matthew will be our Senior Product Developer working to make Mindset’s innovative products come to life for our customers.  

Matthew Whigham has a wealth of experience in Full Stack SAP development. He has experience within the SAP UI5 and Fiori space since the introduction of Fiori in a number of different development roles.    

In Matthew’s spare time he is passionate about cars, technology, gaming and staying in shape.  Prior to Mindset, Matthew served in consulting roles at both Rizing and Accenture. Matthew also served in the U.S. Army before getting into the SAP space and we are thankful and proud of his service.

We’re very excited about Matthew’s passion for changing the world with SAP products and that’s exactly what Mindset Software Products is aiming to deliver!

Please join me in extending a warm welcome to Matthew Whigham!


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As VP of Products at Mindset Consulting, Jon focuses on how organizations can quickly and easily maximize their SAP investments for improved results and happier employee, customer, and user experiences. A known industry thought he is a highly sought-after industry speaker and resource.

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