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Keep Moving…

Like many people, Mindsetters continue to work from home due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.  The commitment to support our customers, combined with access to great tools–Zoom, Slack, Email, LinkedIn–is keeping our team focused and productive during these challenging times.  After the first several weeks of working remotely, however, many noticed they were becoming less physically active–and starting to feel a little restless.  Why?

  • Less movement each day–fewer steps to, from and around the office 
  • Fitness clubs closed so Mindsetters weren’t getting to the gym
  • Social Distancing was limiting who we work out with and how we work out
  • Being home all day, every day

The World Health Organization (WHO) says “sedentary behavior and low levels of physical activity can have negative effects on the health, well-being and quality of life of individuals. Self-quarantine can also cause additional stress and challenge the mental health of people.”  

Enter Mindset’s “Get up and Move Challenge”

Several week’s ago Mindset Leadership announced “Get up and Move,” an optional program encouraging employees to increase our daily activity.  The rules were simple: Employees set a personal goal each week and record daily progress.  At the end of the week, employees total their activity.  Everyone who meets or exceeds her/his weekly target is entered into a drawing for a gift card.   Simple and fun.  Over the last few weeks, we’ve had a great time updating and motivating each other via Slack on what we are doing to “get up and move.”  Walking, biking, yoga, interval training, boxing, and rowing have all been recorded.  One employee is even getting his family involved and taught his little guy to ride a bike! 

Being Active at Home

If you’re looking for some ideas on how to stay fit while working remotely, WHO recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week (or a combination of both).  Here are some simple tips on how everyone can be active while at home.

  • Take short breaks during the day-Even short breaks to move can add up to WHO’s weekly recommendations.  Step away from your office a few times a day (for 15 minutes?) to play with the kiddos, do chores, stretch, dance, jog in place, anything–just move!
  • Stand up-At least once every 30 minutes. 
  • Walk-Inside (during conference calls) and outside (practicing safe social distancing) as much as possible.  
  • Relax-If you are feeling anxious, meditation and deep breathing can help you remain calm.
  • Join an online exercise class-Many clubs are offering FREE online programs right now.  (Searching “free online exercise classes” returns dozens of options)  Maybe you’ll fall in love with something new.
  • If you’re looking for something to get your heart rate up, jogging, biking, yoga, and weight training are also great forms of activity that can be done from home. 

What tips do you have to stay active during these challenging times?  Let us know, we’d love to hear from you.  



Bobbi Rochlin is Mindset's Sales Director. As a problem-solver, she partners with Mindset's prospects and customers to understand, identify and find answers to their business challenges. She has a passion for developing and maintaining relationships--inside and outside the SAP ecosystem.
More information on Bobbi can be found at

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