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ASUG: Mark your calendar

Have you already registered for our upcoming MN ASUG Chapter Meeting?  You won’t want to miss out! Some of the presentation tracks include: Security, BI, Digital Transformation, GTS, S/4 and Finance.

Our MN ASUG Q1 event will be held at the Minneapolis Marriott West from 8 am – 5 pm.  Even if you’re only able to stop in for a portion of the day, we’d love to see you there.  

If you haven’t yet had a chance to register, please do so here.

Interested in sponsoring or speaking?  Click here!



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Beth has been with Mindset for almost 2 years. She started in recruiting and transitioned into her current role as an Account Executive. She loves being a part of an exceptionally talented team, that continues to build and grow relationships with top talent in the SAP Community. Outside of work, Beth likes to spend time with family, friends, and her cat Pepperoni. She attended school in Fargo, North Dakota where she tries to visit as often as possible!

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