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A new approach to Sales

My role at Mindset has recently changed – for the past three and a half years I’ve been almost solely focused on delivering a remarkable experience to our customers through the creation and expansion of our agile-based project delivery model.  It’s been a LOT of fun, and I’m really proud of the great work our team has accomplished and the incredible impact it’s had for our customers.

Late last year, I took on a new role at Mindset leading our sales practice.  Now that we’ve brought on someone to take over delivery (welcome and THANK YOU Marin!), I’ve been able to put some additional thought into how I’m going to put my stamp on sales at Mindset.

Focus on Solving Customer Problems

When I was a buyer in my roles previous to Mindset, I always appreciated sales people who wanted to dig in and solve my problems with me, rather than just finding a way to spin their product to make it appear that it was going to meet my needs.  I’ve carried this approach forward into my time at Mindset, and see this as a key element of our sales approach. Our objective will be to partner with our customers to understand what they really need to be successful, and if we have a service that can help, we’ll provide the understanding of how we can help.  Our key focus will be on partnership and understanding, not just to “sell what we have” regardless of whether it’s a fit for you.

Make the Sales Process a Remarkable Experience

The projects that we deliver frequently include a vastly improved experience for the users of the software, but the entire engagement with Mindset should be a great experience, inclusive of the sales process.  We’ll be proactive and transparent. We’ll ensure that you have all of the information needed to make a decision. We’ll help you pull together the collateral required to do your own internal selling. Our sales people will maintain engagement throughout delivery to ensure things are going smoothly.  Again, this is a partnership, not a transaction.

Continue to Grow Our Capabilities and Practices

We’re continuing to expand our capabilities to be able to do even more for our customers.  We’re still able to deliver the best Design Thinking and custom Fiori development around, but we also have established an S/4 practice that is really exciting.  We’ve successfully delivered global EWM implementations. We have a managed services practice that ensures that you have the resources that you need available when you need them.  If we don’t have the exact thing that you need to be successful, we have a vast network of partners that we’re happy to refer to get you what you need. Again, it comes back to making you and your company successful.

It’s an exciting time at Mindset as we continue to grow, and a really exciting time for me personally as I take on a very different challenge in my career.  I’m very curious about others’ experiences (good and bad) in the vendor / customer relationship. What’s worked really well with your interactions with a service provider?  What hasn’t worked well? Let me know in the comments…I’d love to continue to learn.

Note:  The book “The Sales Acceleration Formula” by Mark Roberge has provided me with a lot of great insights into some of the fundamentals of establishing (or evolving) a sales organization.  Also really spoke to me as someone who loves to drive change and verify success through analytics.


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Luke Van Epern oversees the Solutions Delivery practice at Mindset, following 12+ years of experience implementing enterprise software solutions at large IT companies in the Twin Cities. He uses the perspective he gained as a member of "Big IT" to help Mindset's customers find ways to disrupt their status quo, and to build a delivery organization that can regularly exceed customer expectations.

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